The Insurgence Podcast
#62: Taking the Blood-Soaked Narrow Road

#62: Taking the Blood-Soaked Narrow Road

In this episode, Frank and Nicholas answer a meaty question from a listener who is at a fork in the road concerning the cost of the obeying the gospel of the kingdom. They discuss things like leaving one’s job or keeping it, possessions, security, etc. For more resources, check out the Gospel of the Kingdom website

Show Notes

Insurgence: Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom

The Drip-Drip Effect

Why You Need to Purge and Prune

How to Form a Kingdom Cell Where You Live

The Insurgence Podcast
Frank Viola‘s groundbreaking podcast on the INSURGENCE - Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom. Frank and his friends discuss the implications of the radical gospel of the kingdom that is being reclaimed in our day. (Conversational)