The Insurgence Podcast
Epic Jesus: The Christ You Never Knew (Uncut Version)

Epic Jesus: The Christ You Never Knew (Uncut Version)

This episode is the uncut version of Frank Viola's flagship message delivered at the Momentum Conference in Jacksonville, Florida. Other speakers were Neil Cole, Tony and Felicity Dale, and Wolfgang Simson. Jon Zens was also in the audience. Frank delivered the entire messages without notes. It’s contains all the themes of his ministry and has served as an introduction to his work for Christians who are new to it. According to Frank, “My goal in delivering this message was to present the inimitable, ineffable Christ in His infinite soul-staggering grandeur.”

The Insurgence Podcast
Frank Viola‘s groundbreaking podcast on the INSURGENCE - Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom. Frank and his friends discuss the implications of the radical gospel of the kingdom that is being reclaimed in our day. (Conversational)