Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED substack article, the only substack newsletter that is puzzled, perplexed, befuddled, and discombobulated that no one has invited its author to speak in Hawaii yet. Aloha, what's the problem?
Look Friends, I get emails like this all the time:
"I'm on the deeper journey and your stuff has seriously impacted my life - the conference messages, podcasts, articles, books - all of it. But I can't seem to find anyone else who gives a flip about going deeper with God. I'm desperate to find just one person in my area who's as passionate about Jesus as I am. I need that fellowship, but it's nowhere to be found. What should I do?"
Emails like the above are like “Déjà vu all over again” because they’re so regular. So I recently recorded a short podcast episode addressing this issue head-on.
In it, I lay out two solutions that have worked for countless believers, myself included (since God hasn't yet released me to resume planting organic expressions of the church).
If you're already subscribed to the CHRIST IS ALL podcast, you've got the episode. It dropped on May 7th.
Now here's the tough-love piece: Spiritual growth, including fellowship with like-minded souls, doesn't happen by waiting around for the perfect Christian friend or group or church to suddenly manifest. You have to put in some work. I give you a simple roadmap on how to do that in the episode.
Regarding my upcoming book, we finally have the cover selected as well as the back cover description. I’ll send both to you in the coming days, so stay tuned.
My editor just finished the manuscript and she gushed that the book is “an epic masterpiece.” Yeah, and I'm the greatest writer since Shakespeare (eye roll). She's either blowing sunshine up my T-shirt or somebody slipped some really good drugs in her coffee.
If for some bizarre reason you’re not already subscribed to the CHRIST IS ALL podcast (ahem), you can listen to the episode entitled “A Recipe for Finding Fellowship” HERE.
Until next Thursday,