What and Why, But Not How
Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED substack article, the only substack newsletter that never makes the same mistake twice. It makes it 5 or 6 times. You know, just to be sure.
Thanks to all of you who sent birthday wishes today (October 12th). I’m still younger than Johnny Depp … and I always will be!
If you didn’t read last week’s article, my newest book 48 Laws of Spiritual Power is still on discount at only $1.99 in all digital formats in most countries. I’m told the discount will end soon, so if you didn’t get your copy, head over to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Google Play, etc. to get the book.
My birthday wish is that everyone who is on this email list will grab a copy if they don't already own one. Because it has transformed the lives of many who have read it.
Also, there will be no article next week. Next article will drop October 26th.
Today’s piece was provoked by a conversation I had with someone close to me after they read a bestselling book by a fellow author.
The question I posed to them was, “Was there one practical word in the book about HOW to flesh out the things the author was arguing?”
The person’s answer was “no.”
That led to a discussion on the fact that the vast majority of books, sermons, messages, seminars, podcasts, and conferences in the Christian space today focus exclusively on the WHAT and the WHY, while ignoring the HOW.
But it’s the HOW that I’ve always been interested in since I’ve been a believer.
In fact, don’t tell me the what or the why without giving me the how.
I and others call the HOWs “practical handles” (there’s an entire chapter in 48 Laws of Spiritual Power dedicated to the subject).
For instance:
If you write or speak on walking in the Spirit, explain HOW to do it.
If you write or speak on hearing the voice of Jesus, explain HOW to hear His voice and HOW to discern His voice from your own thoughts and the ideas of the enemy.
If you write or speak on praying for people and seeing God heal them, explain HOW to do that.
If you write or speak on overcoming additions, explain HOW.
If you write or speak on encountering Jesus in the Scriptures, explain HOW to approach the Bible in a way that produces that outcome.
If you write or speak on the need for fresh, powerful songs, explain HOW to write such songs.
If you write or speak on receiving more of God’s power, explain HOW.
If you write or speak on organic church life, explain HOW such churches are started and maintained.
If you’re an author and you encourage people to write their own book, explain HOW.
Others have observed that one of the key features that makes this particular ministry unique is its practicality. (That doesn’t make it “better,” just distinct.)
Here are some examples:
Jesus Speaks (Part 2 of the book) – teaches how to hear and recognize the Lord’s voice.
Living by the Indwelling Life of Christ course – teaches how to live by Christ’s indwelling life.
48 Laws of Spiritual Power – teaches how to leverage God’s power in your life (and/or ministry), including how to break an addiction.
Rethinking the Will of God – teaches how to discover God’s will for your life.
God’s Favorite Place on Earth – teaches how to be delivered from bitterness and give the Lord a place where He feels welcome.
Insurgence – teaches how to live in God’s kingdom, enjoy it, demonstrate it, and advance it.
The Deeper Christian Life Network – teaches how to understand Paul’s letters in 3D (from the right brain as well as from the left) and how to know the Lord more deeply with other believers who are also on the deeper journey.
The PROLIFIC course – teaches how to find your life’s mission, be uber productive and creative.
Hang On, Let Go – teaches how to overcome anxiety and survive a trial, even to the point of thanking God for it later.
The SCRIBE online training – teaches how to write a book from beginning to end, get it published, and hit a bestseller list.
The Buzz Online Seminar – teaches how to start a blog, build traffic, and even monetize it.
The IXP Mastermind – teaches people in ministry how to know the Lord more deeply and preach/teach where people are profoundly impacted.
Finding Organic Church – teaches how organic expressions of the church are planted and maintained. (It also includes a section on how to write a song.)
As a Christian, there are occasions where you will teach others. Even if you’re not in a specific kind of ministry.
My exhortation today is to make whatever you pass on to others as practical as you possibly can. If you do, you’ll be doing something that’s unique to most preachers and teachers today.
Until next Thursday,