Welcome to another Thursday UNFILTERED substack article, the only substack newsletter that is super laid back, but it can lean forward really quick if necessary.
*Clears Throat*
Listen up my fellow lugubrious lemmings. Frankie V. here slinging some straight talk your way.
Let's be real, there are folks out there who just don't vibe with you, and you can't quite put your finger on why.
There are two potential reasons for this.
One is that you might be a colossal tool. I mean, have you listened to the verbally-abusive unsubscribers who called into my show? Those people are poster children for what I mean. (If you missed it, give it a listen and see for yourself.)
But the other reason goes much deeper and is way less obvious.
Denzel Washington summed it up perfectly when he said, "Some people will never like you because your spirit irritates their demons."
A lot of people didn't (and still don't) dig Jesus for this same reason.
And it’s also the case with those who have joined the Insurgence and are genuinely seeking to honor God with their lives. Some people, even “Christians,” just don’t like them.
So now you know what might be going on, especially when it comes to people who don’t actually know you.
(By the way, meeting someone over a meal years ago doesn’t equate to “knowing them personally.”)
At the end of the day, if people have some kind of negativity festering inside them, your positive energy that reflects Christ will make them incredibly uncomfortable. And that will translate into dislike or even hatred.
Their issues aren't about you. It’s their crud that's the problem.
So don't take it personally. Keep shining bright. Those who actually know you and love Jesus will appreciate it.